This is SkweRLy. I didn't want to change to much about the site. I wanted to leave everything Tony put in his portion and I will carry on and restartt mine. But this is basically just so I can pass on any information to you about what is goin on with Tony.

For anyone who doesn't know, Tony committed suicide the early morning of Saturday, Feb. 19th. He wasn't found until Sunday evening around 7 PM. He was 21 years old. The papers have him listed as deceased on the 20,th but to me it will always be on the 19th.

Thanks to everyone who made it to the funeral and or the wake. I was sad that there were a few poeple I talked to who said they would make it didn't even contact me to tell me they weren't going to be there. Tony is burried in Resurrection Cemetary. If you need anything my e-mail is below or you can contact me on AIM SkweRLyNutZ , on Yahoo Mr_Drano , or on MSN messenger SkweRLyNutZ@hotmail.com . If you know any thing or would like to share anything please feel free to contact me. Also I am going to try to make a page just for everyone to post their comments and thoughts. You can also sign the guestbook here. I hope everything I have posted makes it a little easier for you to find everything.

You can also go to The site made for him by students at BVU

Well me being a MARINE I have basic duties I have to perform. One of these that has come up pretty soon is going to Iraq, or as some call it, "The Sandbox." Well I am going to be gone for quite some time, 6 months at least. I may or may not have internet access to take care of things but I have someone to get it done. Jeri has been an amazing friend to not only me but WeeZLe as well over the years and she will be taking care of the site. I may relate some stories and maybe pictures to her to post or what not. So just keep in touch with the site to learn whats going on and everything. - SkweRLy -

Some say that time changes.....

With that said the following is the origional site. Everything Tony put is under the Weezle's Words section. -SkweRLy

Within the pages of this website, the develpoers--WeeZLe and SkweRLy--hope that you take at least one valuable idea or piece of advice from it. In order to do this, however, one must be open-minded about the topics discussed, understanding that it may not coincide with his or her own beliefs or ideas. If such is the case, by all means, contact the developers and present your position. They love that...

By the way, we understand that there is a problem with pop-up ads on this site. It is free. We can't get them off unless we pay for it. As you can tell we don't have enough users to consider payment. So please, don't let them discourage you. Just close them if you don't want them on your screen. What does it take? Two seconds? I mean it's only one pop-up per page, and eventually they stop. Don't be so easily frustrated. By all means, read what we have to say. Thank you.

With that said, you may proceed.

This page updated Tuesday, Feb. 22nd, 2005, at 4:49 PM CST.